Welcome to the website of the Pro-Cathedral Church of All Saints,
in The Liberal Catholic Church Province of Great Britain and Ireland.
Priest in charge - The Very Reverend Charles M Bossman
The Liberal Catholic Church (LCC) is a world-wide independent catholic Church which exists outside the See of Rome. This is not a unique situation; the Orthodox Churches, for example, are a part of the catholic (universal) Church established by Christ and His Apostles but independent of the Roman Catholic Church. However, unlike the Orthodox Churches the LCC traces its origins to the ancient Catholic See of Utrecht in the Netherlands.
The ancient Catholic See of Utrecht in Holland quarrelled with Rome in the early 18th Century as a result of its alleged involvement with the Jansenists. In 1870 other groups from Germany, Austria and Switzerland in rebellion against the declaration of Papal Infallibility, joined the See of Utrecht to form what became known as the Old Catholic Church.
The Liberal Catholic Church came into existence in 1915 - 1916 as the result of a complete re-organisation of the Old Catholic Church in Great Britain. The Old Catholic Church had been established by Bishop Arnold Harris Mathew but he left the movement and his successor consecrated James Ingall Wedgwood. We date the founding of the Liberal Catholic Church to the consecration of James Ingall Wegwood in 1916, the first Presiding Bishop of 'The Liberal Catholic Church'.
The Pro-Cathedral Church of All Saints is part of the Liberal Catholic Church Province of Great Britain and Ireland.
Presiding Archbishop: The Most Reverend William S Downey
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